Nurture. Grow. Transform

Activating Opportunities
Now is the time to co-create solutions at the intersection of culture, climate and community.
Our Team has over 20 years’ experience working with and for communities, taking a partnership and ‘principles-based’ approach. Our preference is to work together to create and achieve local aspirations. Informed by Kaupapa Māori principles, & IAP2 ethics, we incorporate Community-Led Development processes that empower groups to:
Set vision and priorities by the people who live in that geographic community.
Put local voices in the lead.
Build on local strengths (rather than focus on problems).
Collaborate across sectors, it is intentional and adaptable.
Work to achieve systemic change rather than short-term projects.
We are currently working with a number of exciting partnerships with Hapū and communities of interest.
Feasibility, Funding and Strategy
We partner with communities, companies, researchers, innovators and investors to ideate new initiatives, overcome barriers and inspire action.
We offer ethical business services that seek to empower those we work with to make meaningful and positive change in the world.
It is it clear to us that industrial era thinking is no longer fit for purpose. We have entered a new era, and we need to think differently about how and why we do business.
We co-create regenerative and distributive business models that are fit for the 21st century. We are inspired by partnering deeply to achieve shared outcomes that create sustainable and diverse enterprises, and build thriving and resilient communities around Aotearoa.

Nurturing New Enterprise
To support a regenerative and circular economy we know significant investment into the development and support of Māori entrepreneurs needs to occur.
This investment isn't about the 'dollars and cents' we hope to attract into our communities and region; but rather the investment into whanau and small enterprise through partnering deeply- using whakawhanaungātanga .
We take a Kaupapa Māori approach to entrepreneurship and consider the entrepreneur as a whole person who is part of a whanau, whanau whanui and tapori.
We recognise that entrepreneurship is not an individual pursuit, and that success requires strong support networks, personal resilience, and self-awareness.
We understand the systemic barriers to engagement and success, and the enablers and supports that make the difference between giving up and bouncing back.
We have the lived experience to support our entrepreneurs, along with empathy, generosity and deep connections and networks.
We are not transactional. We build partnerships.